Wei Wang

Assistant Professor @ Saint Louis University


I am an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science in the School of Science and Engineering at Saint Louis University.

Before joining SLU, I received my Ph.D. in the Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

My research interests include Internet-of-Things (IoT), Wireless Networking, Cybersecurity, and Autonomous Driving. I am also interested in some cool topics, including RF Sensing, Drones, and Robotics.

I have been fortunate to receive funding for my research from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Taylor Geospatial Institute.

If you're interested in my research and have related research experience in the above fields, please send me your CV and publication record before applying for my Ph.D. position. 

I DO NOT hire students with no research backgrounds or related publications. 

Email: [email protected]                 Google Scholar



  • [6/7/2024] Our work "Adversary is on the Road: Attacks on Visual SLAM using Unnoticeable Adversarial Patch" has been accepted by USENIX Security 2024.
  • [5/30/2024] I've received an NSF CRII grant on Exploiting, Modeling, and Leveraging Hidden Features in IoT for Efficient and Secure Communication.
  • [4/23/2024] Our work "Key Establishment for Secure Asymmetric Cross-Technology Communication" has been accepted by ACM AsiaCCS 2024.


  • [6/5/2023] Our work "LightThief: Your Optical Communication Information is Stolen" has been accepted by USENIX Security 2023.
  • [5/31/2023] Our work "High-Granularity Modulation for OFDM Backscatter" has been accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 2023.
  • [4/25/2023] Our work "IoT Sentinel: Correlation-based Attack Detection, Localization, and Authentication in IoT Networks" has been accepted by IEEE ICCCN 2023. Congratulations, Mr. Dianshi Yang and Mr. Stuart Ray.
  • [3/10/2023] Dr. Wei (Co-PI) received a Taylor Geospatial Institute (TGI) Grant to design multimodal localization systems at scale. 
  • [3/02/2023] Our work "Simultaneous Data Dissemination among WiFi and ZigBee Devices" has been accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 2023.
  • [3/09/2023] Dr. Wei (PI) received a 2023 President’s Research Fund Grant to design a reliable SLAM system. 


  • [9/30/2022] Dr. Wei received a Taylor Geospatial Institute (TGI) Startup Funding.
  • [8/01/2022] Dr. Wei joined SLU.